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YOSHIDA Shigeo, Ph.D.

Shigeo is an HCI researcher / interaction designer. He is currently working at OMRON SINIC X Corporation as a principal investigator of the Integrated Interaction Group in Japan. He received his Ph.D. in Information Studies, master’s degree in Arts and Sciences, and bachelor’s degree in Engineering from The University of Tokyo in 2017, 2014, and 2012 respectively. During 2017-2022, he was mainly working at The University of Tokyo ( Cyber Interface Laboratory and Information Somatics Laboratory). His research interest involves a broad area of Human-Computer Interaction. He has been especially focusing on designing interactions based on the mechanisms of perception and cognition of our body.

Work Experience>

Work Experience #


Education #

Awards and Honors>

Awards and Honors #

  1. CHI 2024 Interactivity Popular Choice Honorable Mention, 16 May 2024.

  2. Augmented Humans Conference 2023 Best Paper Award, 14 Mar. 2023.

  3. Asia Digital Art Award FUKUOKA Excellence Awards in Entertainment (JIZAI FACE), Dec. 2022.

  4. ACM UIST 2022 Best Demo Honorable Mention, 3 Nov. 2022.

  5. Virtual Reality Society of Japan Outstanding Paper Award, Sep. 2022.

  6. Augmented Humans Conference 2022 Best Paper Award, 15 Mar. 2022.

  7. Augmented Humans Conference 2022 Honorable Mention, 15 Mar. 2022.

  8. Asia Digital Art Award FUKUOKA Finalists’ Awards in Interactive Arts (Teardrop glasses), Dec. 2021.

  9. MIMSVAI 2021 (Workshop in conjunction with UbiComp 2021) Best Paper Award, Sep. 2021.

  10. ACM CHI 2019 Honorable Mention, May 2019.

  11. ACM ISS 2018 Best Demo Award, 28 Nov. 28 2018.

  12. Virtual Reality Society of Japan Young Researchers Award, Mar. 2018.

  13. Virtual Reality Society of Japan Outstanding Paper Award, Sep. 2017.

  14. Human Interface Society in Japan Outstanding Paper Award, Mar. 2017.

  15. Virtual Reality Society of Japan Outstanding Paper Award, Sep. 2016.

  16. Nomination Award winner of Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Program, 2014.

  17. President’s Award for Students of The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2014.

  18. Dean’s Award of The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2014.

  19. Good Design Award, Oct. 2013.